Xolo has launched Android Smartphone with Intel Atom processor called X1000. It runs on Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich. The XOLO X1000 specs include a 4.7-inch 720p Sharp TFT transmissive LCD, Intel Atom Processor z2480, CPU of 2GHz Intel Atom with Hyper Threading makes multi-tasking a breeze, 1 GB of RAM and for Graphics it has a PowerVR SGX540 chip with 400 MHz Clock Speed.
The XOLO X1000 sports with 8 Megapixels rear camera with 1080p video recording, a 1.3Megapixel front facing camera with snapper for video chats, LED flash, 314 ppi (pixel per density) with single glass solution, 8GB of internal storage expandable via a microSD card slot up to 32GB . It also supports Wi-Fi, 3G, Assited GPS, Bluetooth. It has battery of 1900 mAh with 14 days standby time. The weight of the phone is 140 grams.
The cost of the smartphone is €285 (INR19999) and is available for purchase. The device is available in black color.
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