Intex Indian mobile handset manufacturer announced their new smartphone Intex Aqua Octa with Octa Core Processor. The device has largest 6 inch IPS HD display with One-Glass-Solution (OGS) Technology. The device runs on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean operating system with Mediatek MT6592 chipset. The device has the latest Octa core processor with 1.7 GHz speed. The device has 2 GB RAM to increase the performance of the device. The device has 16 GB mass memory for storing Apps, photos, music’s, videos and more. The memory can be further expanded up to 32 GB with MicroSD card Slot. The device has 13 Megapixel rear camera with LED flash and 5 Megapixel front camera. The device camera supports HD video recording, video chat, Auto focus and more features. The device has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, 3G, Hotspot and more features. The device has 2300 mAh battery capacity with unspecified talk time. The price of this device is Rs.19, 999 and available from January 15. The device is listed in official site with coming soon status.
Previously, Intex released Aqua i7 Full HD Dual Sim smartphone in September 2013. Compared to Aqua Octa, it has 5 inch IPS Full HD display with Corning Gorilla glass protection. The device has 32 GB Mass internal memory and 2 GB RAM. There is no memory card slot for this device. The device has 1.5 GHz quad core processor and Mediatek MTK6589 Turbo chipset. Just like Intex Aqua Octa, it also has 13 Megapixel rear camera with LED flash and 5 Megapixel front camera. It also Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G, GPS and more features. The device has 2000 mAh battery capacity with 220 Hrs of standby time. The price of this device is Rs. 21900.
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