After the launch of Moto E (Rs.6999), many Indian mobile brands launched lower price range smart phones (Rs. 5000 - 8000) with high end features to slash the sales of Moto E. Karbonn Mobile also added new low price smartphone Titanium S99 with Android Kitkat operating system. The device comes with 4 inch display with WVGA resolution, dual sim card slot, 1.3 GHz quad core processor, Mediatek chipset and 512 RAM. The device has 4 GB internal memory with expandable microSD card slot, 5 Megapixel rear camera with LED flash and VGA front camera. The device includes Wi-Fi, 3G, GPS, Bluetooth and more features. The device has removable 1400 mAh battery; no word about standby time and talk time. The Titanium S99 released at a price of Rs.5990.
Compared to Moto E the device fails in many features display, RAM and battery. The Moto E has 4.3 inch qHD display where Titanium S99 has 4 inch WVGA display. The device display has Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection where Karbonn has no display protection. The Moto E comes with 1.2 GHz dual core snapdragon 200 processor where Titanium S99 has 1.3 GHz quad core Mediatek processor. The Titanium S99 has 5 Megapixel rear camera (LED flash) and VGA front camera, but Moto E doesn’t have front camera and flash for rear camera. The Moto E has 1 GB RAM for faster performance where Titanium S99 has 512 MB RAM. The Titanium S99 has 1400 mAh battery which is very low when compared to Moto E 1980 mAh battery. The Moto E is available on Flipkart at price of Rs. 7000.
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