Lava mobiles launched new entry level smartphone Iris X1 Grand, successor of iris x1. This handset has been listed at Lava mobiles official website. Unlike iris x1, the successor version has upgraded display and hardware features. Along with this handset they also introduced a new intelligent flip cover with smart features. The flip cover includes low battery alert, smart wake-up, gesture control, incoming call notification and more features.
The iris x1 grand has 5-inch IPS FWVGA display, 1.3 GHz quad core processor, mediatek chipset, 1GB RAM, 8 GB internal memory and Micro SD card slot. It runs on android 4.4 kitkat os later they will upgrade this handset to android lollipop. It comes with 8 Megapixel rear camera and 2 Megapixel front camera. The camera includes dual led flash, HDR, 1080p video capture, panorama, intelligent flip cover mode and more features. It has upgraded battery capacity 2200 mAh with10 Hrs of 3G talk time. Within few days this handset will reach stores for Rs. 7330 with free flip cover.
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